1 Timothy 3:8-13 – A Look At The Deacon

A Sermon (#544) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me tonight to the book of 1 Timothy and tonight we want to continue in our study on the subject of spiritual leadership.

Last week we looked at what the pastor should be, and tonight we want to look at what the deacons should be.

When the pulpit committee interviewed by one of the questions they asked me was, How do you see the role of deacon in the local church?

My answer was, I see them as an extension of the pastoral ministry, they simply expand the ministry. And over the years, I have learned that if the pastor will be what he is supposed to be, and deacons will be what they are supposed to be, then everyone else will follow our lead. And the church will grow spiritually and numerically.

So, look with me at verse 8 and lets take a look at the deacons.

In August of 1983, the Jakin Baptist Church called me to serve on their staff, and later that month I attended my very first deacons meeting with my pastor and 6 other men.

Bill Adams was our chairman, and owned a septic tank vault company. Norman was our mayor, and owned the only gas station in town. Rudolph was our postman. Mr Miller was a farmer. Max and Don worked at the paper mill in the next town.

These were good men. In fact, they were the very best we had, and it didn’t take me long to realize that as went these men, so went the church.

When they got concerned for souls and supported outreach, the church was full.

When they got right with their tithes and offerings, so did the church.

When they prayed, so would the church.

When they served, so would the church.

One year we had all of them serving. Two were Sunday School teachers. One taught the RA boys. One was treasurer. One was Church Training Director. One was Sunday School Director. When these men got hot for God, so did the church.

But the reverse of that was also true.

When they got apathetic for souls, so did the church.

When thy got selfish with their money…When they quit ministering, so did the church.

When they got apathetic toward purity and godliness and allowed sin to come into their lives, they opened up a flood gate of sin in the church.

Listen, so goes the spiritual leaders, so goes the church.

It was true in Jakin.

It was true in Argyle.

It’s true at Wingate Road.

Listen, that’s why the Bible puts so much emphasis on what a deacon is supposed to be, because when they become what they are supposed to be, they will naturally do what they are supposed to do, and in this passage, Paul shows us what they are supposed to be.

Let me quickly show you 5 things about the deacon.

1. The Man…Let me show you his call…and his character.

A. The Man’s Call

Verse 8 – “likewise must the deacons” The word deacon is the word diakonos, and means ‘servant.’ In its original form it means to wait on tables, to serve food, but it also broadens out to mean service of any kind. The word was used to describe the work of a slave to his master, or the relationship between a king and his servant.

Sometimes its translated as servant, minister, relief, administration…

So the call of a deacon is to serve, to minister, to provide relief. God calls them servers, not supervisiors. Ministers who provide relief, not mayors who rule.

B. The Man’s Character

1. Grave, the word means to have honor or respect. He should be well respected because if the people can’t respect his life, then they will never follow him.

2. Not double tongued, which means he doesn’t say one thing to one person, and something else to someone else.

3. Not given to much wine. The word given would be translated, addicted, or attached to. It means to give no thought to or to give no effort to. Now, some believe the Bible teaches the idea of moderation. I don’t. Especially when it comes to spiritual leadership. When you mess with that stuff, you disqualify yourself.

4. No greedy of filthy lucre. Which is a reference to money. He’s not motivated by money. It’s not the goal of their life to make money. That’s very important because deacons are called on to handle the money.  And while we’re here, I don’t think deacons should play the lottery.

5. Hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. It means he accepts the teaching of the Bible with a pure conscience. A deacon is a man who can say, “I believe the book.” The mystery was the gospel was to the Gentiles…He has a pure conscience when it comes to evangelism.

2. The Means…How do we elect them?

Verse 10 says, “Let these also first be proved…then let them use the office of deacon being found blameless.”

Proved means to test, to examine. You see, the day a man comes into the church, the examination begins. Our bylaws say that a man must be here for one year. I think that’s OK. He should be examined for at least a year. Why? They change. Sometimes, we have ordained men we later regretted.

3. His Mate

Verse 11 – Even so, their wives must be:

  1. Grave: honorable, respected.
  2. Not Slanderous: not to accuse people falsely.
  3. Sober: abstain from wine.
  4. Faithful in all things: you can count on her.

Does a deacon have to be married? Paul said some people are called to be single. You would eliminate most of the men in the New Testament.

4. His Marriage

Verse 12 – Let the deacons be the husband of one wife…ruling their children and their own houses well.

McArthur says the phrase means “one woman man.”

How do you interpret that? Does it mean a man can never be divorced?

Warren Wiersbe, one of the most respected Bible scholars of our day says it means no divorces. This is the historical view.

But here’s a question. If he (Paul) meant that, then why didn’t he say that? why do we hold that particular sin over a man’s head?

Frank was a drunk. We forgive him. Jr. wanted money. We forgave him.

What is the biblical definition of a marriage?… “one flesh”…

Gen. 2.24 – “Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh.”

But here’s a problem…1 Cor. 6.15-16… if you had a sexual relationship with a woman before you were married…

Matt. 5.27-28…Are any of us not guilty of the same thing in our lives?

The question…does divorce rule a man out?

No…it’s not the unpardonable sin.

Yes…it’s not worth the battle.

Some churches have split over the issue. The important thing is what a man does.

The point of the passage is , Is he devoted to his wife? Does he have eyes for her only?

5. The Measure

For they that have used (minister) the office of a deacon (servant) purchase (get for themselves) a good degree (honor, influence) and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

When a man ministers and serves, God raises him up. The implication is the more lowly the ministry, the greater influence. As a man bends, bows to minister, to serve, the more God raises him up.