1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 – Improving the Image (10/22/95)

A Sermon (#536) Preached by William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles tonight, turn with me to 1 Thessalonians 4.9-12.

Sometime back there was a commercial on TV starring Andre Agassi, and in this commercial, image is everything.

In other words, it’s very important how other people see you.

There was a time in this country when preachers, Christians, and churches were all well respected, but for the most part, those days are gone. Our image has been destroyed by sin and scandal and tonight I want to show you how we can improve our image.

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John 3:1-16 – The Miracle Of Being Born Again (10/22/95)

A Sermon (#535) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to John 2, and I want us to look at one verse, and then I want to look at the first 16 verses of John 3.

When my 2 girls were born in the 1970’s, the idea of the father being in that room to observe that event was unthinkable. In our days, they held the father in a waiting room, and they would not even let you hold that baby until the day you brought them home, but times have changed.

Now they allow the father to be in the delivery room as well as other friends and relatives. They even allow you to bring in VCR equipment and record the entire thing.

When Elizabeth was born, our precious grandchild, by son in law watched the whole thing and I asked him what it was like, and he said it was a real miracle.

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Acts 5:1-42 – Wednesday Night Bible Study (10/18/95)

A Sermon (#534) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to Acts 5. Now you will recall that last week we looked at the story of Ananias and Sapphire. They sold a piece of land, kept out a portion of the money, and then told the church they were giving all they received to help the poor, and God killed both of them right there on the spot.

Now, when you think about it, it seems like such a small sin. They just lied. They wanted people to think they were more spiritual than what they were. So, they conceived of a way of doing that and tried to pull it off, but God caught them. It seems like such a small sin, no one got hurt. No one died. No homes were destroyed. In fact, just the opposite took place and people were helped with their offering and yet God poured His wrath out on them.

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Acts 5.1-42 – Wednesday Night Bible Study (10/11/1995)

A Sermon (#532) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn to the last few verses of Acts 4, and I want us to review a moment, because it sets the context for what takes place in Acts 5.

Now, when we leave Acts 4, the church was undergoing some persecution. Many of the early believers, when they accepted Jesus as their Savior, they were rejected by the world. Many of them lost their jobs and homes.

So look at what takes place in Acts 4.32-37.

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Matthew 16.13-19 – A Church of Influence (10/8/95)

A Sermon (#531) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to Matthew 16.13-19.

In 1971, a group of people from the Sherwood Forest Baptist Church felt led of God to buy this property and build this church, and next Sunday morning we will celebrate the 24th anniversary of the Wingate Road Church. As I studied the history of our church, I was amazed at how many people we have reached these years. In 24 years, we have seen…700 saved and baptized…800 come and be a part by change of letter. This church has touched a lot of lives, however, I want to ask you a question that I have wrestled with this week.

Question: If Wingate Road Baptist Church ceased to be, if we walked out this morning, locked the doors, and never came back, would anybody in this community care? If WRBC ceased to be, would it have any effect at all in this community?

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Psalm 85.10/Romans 8.1 – Justice of Mercy for All (10/8/95)

A Sermon (#530) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to Psalm 85.10. and I want us to look at this very unusual verse for just a moment, and then I want us to look at Romans 8.1.

On Tuesday of this week, (Oct. 3, 1995) millions of Americans and millions of people around the world turned on their TV sets, or radios and they listened as the lady read, “We the jury, find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder.”

Now listen, after that verdict was announced there were two statements made that have divided the whole country.

Statement #1 was made by Ron Goldman’s father, he said, “Justice was not served today.” And many people agree and lined up behind that statement.

Statement #2 was made by Johnnie Cochran. He said, “Justice was served today.” And many people agreed and lined up behind him.

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1 Corinthians 11:23-25 – In Remembrance of Him (10/1/95)

A Sermon (#528) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

Jesus’ ministry of discipling the disciples had come to an end. For three years he had poured himself into these men. He called them, taught, fed, protected them, prayed for them and loved them.

They were closer than his own brothers, and when everyone else deserted Him and went home, these 11 men remained faithful.

They were there when He turned water into wine, took the boy’s lunch and fed 5,000, when he raised Lazarus from the dead, walked on the sea, and calmed the raging sea.

They had gathered a lifetime of memories. Do you think they could have forgotten Him and what He had done?

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Haggai 1.1-15 – When the Blessing is Gone (10/1/95)

A Sermon  (#527) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael  D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn with me to Haggai…

Every year the President gives what they call a State of the Union Address…and in this speech, he tells where we have been – where we are…where we want to go to…and how much he’s going to have to raise the taxes to get us there.

Well, this morning I want to preach a State of the Church Address…Last Sunday we closed out the church year…and this morning we started the new church year…

And this morning I want to show you where we were…where we are…where we are going…and then I want to tell you how much we are going to raise your tithes and offerings to get us there…

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