Waiting On A Promise

I don’t consider myself to be an impatient person, however, I do have my limits.

Waiting becomes difficult when I’m behind the wheel of a car…

Waiting becomes difficult when I accompany my wife, mother in law, and girls to the Christmas Store in Pigeon Forge, TN. They can stay in there for hours! Fortunately, I’ve learned to navigate my way out of that one.

But, it’s hard to wait on things sometimes if we’re honest with ourselves.

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Exegetical Notes: Colossians 1:9-13

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,

  • “asking” – specifically asking, no blanket requests.
  • “that you may be filled” – passive. ‘that you may receive the filling.
  • “filled” – completed, or controlled by
  • “knowledge” – here Paul argues that knowing Christ comes from a walking relationship with Him, not from a mystical sense the gnostics promoted.Knowledge is a priority to Paul because he knows it impacts our “walking” “Paul wants the Colossians to know God’s will and then let that knowledge control them.” -H.B.C.
  • “will” – God’s will is not an easter egg where we search for something hidden, but God wants us to know his will and he reveals it in His Word.
  • “spiritual wisdom and understanding” – speaks of the ability for one to understand the big picture of God’s will and apply it to daily living. This allows us not only to think spiritually about God, but rightly as well.
  • “wisdom” – the comprehension of truth
  • “understanding” – the application of truth

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Connected To God’s Family

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. – Hebrews 10:24, 25

Fostering community by guiding people into Christ-centered fellowship.


Have you ever worked diligently on a puzzle, only to find out toward the end of completion that you’re missing a piece of the puzzle? Can anything in life be more aggravating than that? It’s disappointing because you’ve worked diligently and see the potential of a completed picture, but know it will never happen because a piece is missing.

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Captivated By God’s Glory

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31


In the mid 1950s through the early 1960s, my mother’s dad, my grandfather, or Papa worked on a barge dredging various rock and gravel out of the Chattahoochee River. Because of this type of work several unique items came into his possession. Many of these items, as best as I can remember were in an old blue, faded, and severely cracked mop bucket in Papa’s shed. But one of these items, in particular has become very sentimental to me. It’s the bowl of an Indian pipe that was found among the gravel and sand as my grandfather worked. It’s one of a kind and I know no one else in the world has one like this. It’s in my mother’s possession now, but one day it will become mine. Why am I receiving it as an heirloom and not my sister? Because, when my mother asked, “If you got this when I died, would you sell it?” (It has a value of around $8,000.) I replied, “NO WAY!” – I recognized the value of the artifact that was in the box I held. And…if I’m honest, it makes me feel a little bit like I’m some sort of Indiana Jones.

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Essential Ingredients For Spiritual Growth

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, – 2 Peter 1.3


My mother is the type of cook that can throw things into a pan…mix it up…and when she’s done, she ends up with a delicious red velvet cake. I like to cook, but I’m not that kind of chef. I need a recipe. If the recipe is good, then usually I can pull off a pretty good meal myself. If the recipe is bad, then the end result is usually bad.

I recently attempted to make, what my family calls, a no-bake cheesecake. However, when I purchased the ingredients, I mistakenly bought light cool whip instead of regular. It didn’t end well. The recipe is simple. There are 4, maybe 5 ingredients. If the right ingredients are mixed together, there’s always success. However, as I learned, an unworthy substitute rendered unflattering results.

Our growth as believers requires the proper ingredients as well. The recipe isn’t complex, but these ingredients are essential. The ingredients are: biblical faith and good theology. A combination of these two ingredients results should result in a savory biblical growth.

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Emotions And Doctrinal Preaching

An overemphasis on doctrinal preaching as teaching often stems from and can lead to misconceptions concerning the relationship between doctrine and emotions. In other words, some advocate that doctrinal preaching should not be understood as preaching as much as it is understood to be teaching. A passionate delivery of theological content could be understood as unintelligent or less thought through.

Out of a fear of manipulating their hearers, pastors may avoid emotion in doctrinal preaching. Concerned over this issue Henry Mitchell wrote, “Preachers need not shy away from issues that touch them deeply. How can the hearers be moved if the preacher is not? This is not emotional ‘manipulation,’ as some students have suspected. It is shared meaningful experience— spiritual contagion.”*

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Three Benefits Of A Church With Sound Theology

Doctrinal preaching is not, nor should it ever be, simply the collection and distribution of biblical information. What one knows and thinks about God greatly impacts his worldview. Doctrine influences understanding, attitude, choice, and action. If doctrine is anything, it is practical. It is emotive. Doctrine impacts life. Sound theology is important for the people of God. They need it.

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