Essential Ingredients For Spiritual Growth

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, – 2 Peter 1.3


My mother is the type of cook that can throw things into a pan…mix it up…and when she’s done, she ends up with a delicious red velvet cake. I like to cook, but I’m not that kind of chef. I need a recipe. If the recipe is good, then usually I can pull off a pretty good meal myself. If the recipe is bad, then the end result is usually bad.

I recently attempted to make, what my family calls, a no-bake cheesecake. However, when I purchased the ingredients, I mistakenly bought light cool whip instead of regular. It didn’t end well. The recipe is simple. There are 4, maybe 5 ingredients. If the right ingredients are mixed together, there’s always success. However, as I learned, an unworthy substitute rendered unflattering results.

Our growth as believers requires the proper ingredients as well. The recipe isn’t complex, but these ingredients are essential. The ingredients are: biblical faith and good theology. A combination of these two ingredients results should result in a savory biblical growth.

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Three Benefits Of A Church With Sound Theology

Doctrinal preaching is not, nor should it ever be, simply the collection and distribution of biblical information. What one knows and thinks about God greatly impacts his worldview. Doctrine influences understanding, attitude, choice, and action. If doctrine is anything, it is practical. It is emotive. Doctrine impacts life. Sound theology is important for the people of God. They need it.

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What Happens Next? Revelation 2:12-17, to the church at Pergamum

A Bit of Background Concerning the Church at Pergamum

  • about 60 miles north of Smyrna.
  • known for being a great religious, intellectual, and medical hub of the day.
  • the city was known for containing the alter of Zeus, one of the 7 wonders of the world. Also had the first temple dedicated to Ceasar.
  • the city contained a medical center which accompanied the worship of the deity of medicine, Aesculapius (signified by a coiled snake on a pole).

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