Journey Through James: Chapter Five (Commentary)

5 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you.

  • Verses 1-6 are a heavy reminder that people are more important than pennies. That we are to focus more on building our faith, than our finances. It is important to remember that the Bible does not discourage wise planning, but does denounce selfish, greedy living as we discuss these verses.
  • “rich” – This is more a general warning to the wealthy in James’ society, not necessarily (and we pray not) wealthy believers. These men were probably also mentioned in James 2:6-7. Apparently wealthy landowners were using their position in society to take advantage of those who depended upon them for their livelihood. Instead of being a source of blessing to others, they were using their position for selfish means.

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Journey Through James: Chapter 4 (Listening Guide)

4 What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?

  • Chapter 4.1-10 opens with 2 options for achieving joy. The way of the __________. And the way of the__________.
  • “quarrels” – The word carries the idea of ongoing hostility. In an organization that has experienced great grace we cannot afford to be unforgiving and resentful to one another.
  • Is there anything sadder than such a church? The church is to be united in love for God and love for one another. The church is to be united around the truth of God. The church is to be united in worship and service.
  • “fights” –  outburst of anger
  • “your passions” – Meaning _____________________. Each person thought themselves to be the priority. From the Gk: we get the word Hedonism, you search for pleasure/joy.

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Journey Through James: Chapter 4 (Commentary)

4 What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?

  • Chapter 4.1-10 opens with 2 options for achieving joy. The way of the world. And the way of the Lord.
  • “quarrels” – The word carries the idea of ongoing hostility. In an organization that has experienced great grace we cannot afford to be unforgiving and resentful to one another.
  • Is there anything sadder than such a church? The church is to be united in love for God and love for one another. The church is to be united around the truth of God. The church is to be united in worship and service.
  • “fights” –  outburst of anger
  • “your passions” – Meaning selfishness. Each person thought themselves to be the priority. From the Gk: we get the word Hedonism, you search for pleasure/joy.

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Journey Through James: Chapter 2 (Listening Guide)


My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.

  • Behind James’ discussion is the thought that partiality is being shown to wealthy individuals who attend worship because those with less are hoping to benefit from their preferential treatment by some financial means.
  • “partiality” – God does not play favorites. Yet we do. Jesus tells us to love others as we love ourselves (Mark 12.31). However, partiality is one of the clearest examples of loving ourselves ____________ than we love others.
  • When favoritism is displayed, the nature of faith is _____________ and the display of faith is _______________.

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Journey Through James: Chapter 2 (Commentary)


My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.

  • Behind James’ discussion is the thought that partiality is being shown to wealthy individuals who attend worship because those with less are hoping to benefit from their preferential treatment by some financial means.
  • “partiality” – God does not play favorites. Yet we do. Jesus tells us to love others as we love ourselves (Mark 12.31). However, partiality is one of the clearest examples of loving ourselves more than we love others.
  • When favoritism is displayed, the nature of faith is undermined and the display of faith is compromised.

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Journey Through James: Chapter 1 (Commentary)

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.

  • Ironically, James refers to himself as a servant, where he could’ve claimed the title of church leader, or brother to the resurrected Lord. Although this self designation is often common in NT writings, we shouldn’t understand it as trite, or a sense of false humility. James had a clear biblical understanding of who he was – a servant.
  • THEOLOGY (THEO:) – God does not exist to serve us, but rather we exist to serve Him.
  • APPLICATION (APP:) – Influence and authority are best clothed in humility, not arrogance or clout.

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Isaiah 41:10 – Fear & The Faithfulness of God

fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Is 41:10

We live in a world that often times fills us with fear and anxiety. The reasons are plentiful: Family. Finances. Work. Health. The moral deterioration of society.  The list could go on…and on…and on.

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Exegetical Notes 2: Corinthians 1:3-11

My maternal grandfather, Papa, was a bit of a trickster and he was always teasing his grandkids and what not. He’d do the little thumb trick where it looks like you’re pulling your thumb off of your opposing hand, or he’d hide something in one of his hands behind his back and you’d have to guess which hand it was in.
Just like the guessing game my grandfather played, you never know what each day holds. It may be the best day ever. However, there are days that we encounter great suffering, difficulty, and heartache.
What do we do on the bad days? How do we help our friends in the midst of suffering? Paul gives us a great look at this in the passage below.

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