Luke 2.8-20 – The Gospel of Christmas (12/24/95)

A Sermon (#561) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited & Preached By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn with me to Luke 2:8-20. This morning, of course, we want to continue looking at the birth of Jesus as we celebrate his incarnation.

Christmas has always been a very special time of the year for me, and I guess over the course of my life, I have received hundreds of gifts…

I remember when I was a boy, my mother gave me a Bible with my name engraved…zipper…and pictures that illustrated the stories…I still have that Bible.

In December of 1886, my wife gave me one to honor my last semester of school. I have used it so much that the cover is coming off…and the pages are coming out. It was and still is, a very special gift.

While living in GA, our first semester, a man in my SS class brought a box, it contained a 25lb ham. We took that man to the meat market and had it sliced and ate off that for a month!

One of our widows brought me a new suit.

I have received so many wonderful gifts, but the best gift I have ever received came from God.

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Mark 10:17-27 – The Question of Who Can Be Saved (11/19/95)

A Sermon (#546) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn with me to the book of Mark 10.17…

As you study the Bible, you will find the most abstruse, the most profound and thought provoking questions ever  asked. And in one sense these questions are inescapable. They must be answered.

Several of these questions are found in the book of Matthew, for instance, in Matthew 16, Jesus posed this question to his disciples. He asked, “Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?” You say, who cares what they think. There are many ways to answer that question.

Listen, he asked that question to lead into the next question. Question number 2, “Whom say ye that I am?” You see, he made it personal. Who is Jesus Christ according to YOU? That is inescapable. You will answer that question and your response could mean the difference between Heaven and Hell.

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1 Timothy 3:8-13 – A Look At The Deacon

A Sermon (#544) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me tonight to the book of 1 Timothy and tonight we want to continue in our study on the subject of spiritual leadership.

Last week we looked at what the pastor should be, and tonight we want to look at what the deacons should be.

When the pulpit committee interviewed by one of the questions they asked me was, How do you see the role of deacon in the local church?

My answer was, I see them as an extension of the pastoral ministry, they simply expand the ministry. And over the years, I have learned that if the pastor will be what he is supposed to be, and deacons will be what they are supposed to be, then everyone else will follow our lead. And the church will grow spiritually and numerically.

So, look with me at verse 8 and lets take a look at the deacons.

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Revelation 6:1-17 – A World Without God

A Sermon (#543) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to Revelation chapter 6…

On the wall in my office is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ that’s based on that verse in John 11 that simply says, “Jesus wept.” And in this picture you see the face of the Lord Jesus up in the heavens overlooking this old sinful world. And every time I look at that picture, I am reminded of that verse in Hebrews that says, “He upholds all things by the Word of power.” He literally keeps this world in tact. He keeps it from falling apart. And I think about that verse by the Apostle Paul when he said, “By him al things consist.” He is the glue that keeps it all together.

In Psalm 33.5, the psalmist said, “the whole earth is filled with the goodness of God…”

This world is – and this world stays – and sticks together – and it is good because He oversees every detail.

But, as you look at this picture on my wall, you will notice that His eyes are filled with tears, and how it must grieve his heart to see the sinfulness of this world, and to know He died on the cross for that sin, and yet this world still rejects Him. In fact, for the most part, this world couldn’t care less about God. They don’t care if He exists or not. And I look at that picture and wonder what it would be like if God turned His back on this old world and walked away, and just left us to ourselves. What would this world be like without God? I want to show you in this passage. Look at verse one and this morning I want to preach on… “A World Without God.”

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Acts 7:1-60 – Wednesday Night Bible Study (11/8/95)

A Sermon (#542) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to Acts 7. As you will recall in Acts 6, the church looked out among themselves and called seven men to help serve with the Apostles. While the Apostles ministered through the Word, and through prayer, these seven men ministered through serving the needs of the people.

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1 Timothy 3:1-7 – A Look At The Pastor (11/5/95)

A Sermon (#541) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn with me to 1 Timothy 3 and tonight I want to begin a series of sermons on the subject of spiritual leadership.

There’s an old maxim that says, “as goes the leaders, so goes the country.” I believe that to be true.

Never in the history of this country has the sin of immorality been accepted and approved as it is today. But, as goes the leaders, so goes the country.

Never in the history of this country has integrity, character, honesty, meant so little. But, as goes the leaders, so goes the country.

Never before in the history of this country has Christianity, the Bible, prayer, church been neglected like it is today. But, as goes the leaders, so goes the country.

But let me put it another way. As goes the spiritual leaders, so goes the church.

Never before has the church had so little influence and power, But, as goes the spiritual leaders, so goes the church.

Never before has the church been so unconcerned about purity and prayer, But, as goes the spiritual leaders, so goes the church.

Never before has the church been so unconcerned for lost souls. But, as goes the spiritual leaders, so goes the church.

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Revelation 3:14-22 – Christ’s Message to the Modern Church (11/5/95)

A Sermon (#540) Preached by William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael D. Lawson

Turn to Revelation chapter 3.

In Revelation 1, the resurrected Lord appears to John and tells him to write seven letters to the seven churches of Asia.

These were real churches, but many believe them to be problematic, they represent a problematic view of church history.

The Church at Ephesus (Acts 2; 100AD – ?) – They served. They shared. Yet got cold.

Smyrna (100-300AD) – A persecuted church.

Pergamos, Thyatria, Sardis (300 – 1750AD) – Corrupt, Carnal, Compromising churches.

Philadelphia (1750-1900AD) – Church of the Awakening under Whitefield…Wesley…Edwards.

Laodicea – the last of the seven. Represents the last church, how the church will be prior to the rapture.

Question: What would Jesus preach on (what would be his subject) if He could gather together every person in this country who has their name on a church roll? A church roll…Baptist, Methodist, Luthern, Charismatic…all the millions of people. What would He preach on? Inerrancy? And resolve the conflict between conservatives and liberals. Gifts of the Spirit? And solve the conflict concerning the  tongue movement. The end time? And resolve the conflict between Amill and Premill.

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Acts 6:1-15 – Wednesday Night Bible Study (10/25/95)

A Sermon (# 537) Preached by William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles, turn with me to Acts, chapter 6.

In a couple of weeks, we are going to ordain three men to help us serve, and we may install a fourth man who has already been ordained. And beginning a week from Sunday, I am going to start a series on Sunday nights that deals with spiritual leadership. And for a few weeks, we are going to look at what the pastor ought to be – and what the deacons ought to be, and when I get to that point, I want to come back to this chapter because it lays the ground work for spiritual leadership. So, I’ll try not to use everything I’ve learned tonight, but in two or there weeks when you hear me preach this passage again – if I say something you have already heard, then smile like you have never heard it before.

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1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 – Improving the Image (10/22/95)

A Sermon (#536) Preached by William “Bill” Touchton

Edited by Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles tonight, turn with me to 1 Thessalonians 4.9-12.

Sometime back there was a commercial on TV starring Andre Agassi, and in this commercial, image is everything.

In other words, it’s very important how other people see you.

There was a time in this country when preachers, Christians, and churches were all well respected, but for the most part, those days are gone. Our image has been destroyed by sin and scandal and tonight I want to show you how we can improve our image.

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John 3:1-16 – The Miracle Of Being Born Again (10/22/95)

A Sermon (#535) Preached By William “Bill” Touchton

Edited By Michael D. Lawson

If you have your Bibles turn with me to John 2, and I want us to look at one verse, and then I want to look at the first 16 verses of John 3.

When my 2 girls were born in the 1970’s, the idea of the father being in that room to observe that event was unthinkable. In our days, they held the father in a waiting room, and they would not even let you hold that baby until the day you brought them home, but times have changed.

Now they allow the father to be in the delivery room as well as other friends and relatives. They even allow you to bring in VCR equipment and record the entire thing.

When Elizabeth was born, our precious grandchild, by son in law watched the whole thing and I asked him what it was like, and he said it was a real miracle.

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